Basic safety rules and risk avoidance for users

INTERNETCASHBANX Ltd, committed to for it's part, is ensuring that the service is reliable and secure. However, you must take care of the security of your money.
A strong password is the first and foremost security rule. A good password consists of numbers and letters and contains at least 6 characters. When thinking up a password, do not use numbers directly related to you (phone number, date of birth, passport number).
Do not write down the password (or at least do not store it near your phone or computer). Of course, today everyone has to get a lot of passwords and keep them in their head is not easy. But the security of your wallet should not be compromised. And do not forget the password simply - often enough to go to the Personal Account!
What wallet information should not be shared with other people?
Do not give other people any information related to your wallet except its number.
Important rules to remember
In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, it is enough to follow simple rules:
1. Do not enter your login, password, your mobile phone number on those sites that you do not completely trust, and do not send messages from your phone to the numbers indicated on such sites.
2. When entering a login, password, code from a text message, make sure that the address bar of your browser contains:
3. Avoid transferring any personal information (phone numbers, logins and passwords for entering your wallet, PIN- bank card codes, SMS passwords).
4. Keep your gadget or computer safe: regularly update and use antiviruses and protection programs.
5. Under no circumstances should anyone share your passwords; keep them in a safe place.
6. Do not enter passwords from payments on third-party sites, from unknown gadgets or computers.
7. Use one-time passwords to log into your wallet and complete transactions.
8. Remember that our employees are never asked to provide passwords and codes from SMS messages.
9. Check the information you receive, call back the official hotlines and call people who say they need help, etc.
10. Take a screenshot of the suspicious letter or website and contact our support team with all the details about the incident. Every detail counts! Be vigilant and active in such situations.
11. You can complain about spam received in spam directly via mail or messenger.
